Member-only story
The Drift Towards Casual Sex and Drugs
The United States is drifting away from it’s aristocratic roots. We are exchanging the old, formal ways of life for newer, more casual ways of living. King George, III must be rolling over in his grave at Windsor Castle.
Friends With Benefits
Hook-up apps like Tinder pair people who fall within a specified age range and gender. They must be within a certain distance of each other and interested in hooking up for the night. It’s an informal way to make new friends (with benefits) with some of their 66 million users. A recent U.S. study found that 78.2% of adults aged 18–34 claimed to have had casual sex with someone they met online. Over 30% of Tinder users are married. At least another 20% are lying.
Male or Female or…..
I can recall when there were only two choices for gender: male or female. Today, gender is non-binary and fluid. The Tinder app offers 37 different options for gender identification. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Business Casual
With people trying to hook up more, you’d think they’d dress up a bit. But we’ve seen a similar drift towards more casual clothing.
It started back with the trend away from business attire in the late 1990’s. Back when panty hose and…